The Biblical Counseling Process

Curious about the biblical counseling process? Here is what you can expect if you choose to move forward with Heart Talk Biblical Counseling.

Part 1: Involvement

A Biblical Counselor does not simply want to solve your problem, but become your friend. As a friend, your counselor will express genuine concern for you and the problems you are facing.

As a part of the biblical counseling process, each counseling session will include time for talking and praying together.

The goal is to create an environment where you feel safe sharing your struggles and failures.

Part 2: Investigation

Proverbs 18:13 says, "If one gives an answer before he hears, it is his folly and shame." In other words, before your counselor can offer a helpful response, he must first listen. 

The first few counseling sessions in the biblical counseling process will have a greater amount of time dedicated to investigation. Your biblical counselor will ask a lot of questions to provide him with enough information to understand the root issues you are facing.

During this process, it's important for you to be honest and forthright. If your counselor is unable to properly diagnose the root issues due to false or misleading information, he won't be able to provide the best solutions possible. Don't allow pride or fear to prevent you from being open and honest about the struggles you are facing.

The goal is to have an accurate understanding of the problem.

Part 3: Instruction

The next stage of the biblical counseling process is to provide biblical instruction. The instruction will be designed to address the issues of your heart, but also apply the truth of God's Word to your situation.

The Bible will serve as our reference, so it's important to bring a Bible each week. You will study biblical examples, memorize Scripture and do homework assignments designed to help you become a doer of God's Word in your particular situation.

The goal is to apply the biblical solution to your problem.

Part 4: Implementation

A fourth key component of the biblical counseling process is implementation. The bible teaches us to be "doers" of the Word and not merely hearers. Therefore, you biblical counselor will provide you with homework to help you implement what you learn during the counseling session.

Much of the hard work of counseling will be accomplished by you between each session. Your homework assignments can include things such as topical studies, Scripture memorization, lifestyle changes, writing letters, installing filters on your computer, etc.

Your counselor will hold you accountable to grow and change by implementing what you have learned during the counseling session.

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